
What are Containers?

A method of isolating multiple user-space environments using the system kernel instead of a hypervisor


Changes the apparent root directory for the current running process and its children

Components of Linux Containers

Uses integrated features included in the Linux Kernel. Basically chroot on steroids.

Two components are required in Linux to make containers work:

Process resource limiting, prioritization, accounting and control
Namespace Isolation
Groups of processes are separated in a way which they cannot see resources in other groups

Namespace Isolation

PID Namespace
Provides isolation in PIDs, list of processes and their details. The new namespace is isolated from other namespaces with their own different set of PIDs.
Network Namespace
Isolates NICs (virtual or physical), iptables firewall rules and routing tables. They are connected using virtual ethernet devices (veth).
UTS Namespace
Allows changing the hostname.

Namespace Isolation

Mount Namespace
Allows creating a different file system layout, or making mount points read-only.
IPC Namespace
Isolates the inter-process communication between namespaces.
User namespace
Isolates user IDs between namespaces.

Implementations of Containers


Open source project that automates deployments of applications inside of Linux containers

Install and run Docker

$ yum install docker
$ systemctl start docker

# Hello world
$ docker run centos /bin/echo 'Hello world'

# Interactive container
$ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash

# Daemonized Hello World
$ docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"

# Show running containers
$ docker ps

# See output from container
$ docker logs <container name>

# Stop container
$ docker stop <container name>


Dockerfiles are configuration files for Docker and have a fairly simple syntax of the form:

# This is a comment!

If FROM is the first instruction, it will use another container as a base:

FROM centos:latest
# do more stuff


Instruction Explanation
FROM The container to build from the Docker Hub.
MAINTAINER Lets you set the author metadata.
RUN Runs command inside the docker image that is being built.
CMD The command to run for docker run after container is built. Only one allowed.
EXPOSE Ports to expose for when docker links are being used. Does not expose ports to the host.
ENV Sets environment variables in the container


Instruction Explanation
ADD Copies new files into the container. Allows input to be compressed or urls
COPY Like ADD. No use of urls or compressed archives
ENTRYPOINT Command for docker run to default to; CMD is appended.
USER User to run all subsequent commands as
VOLUME Creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers
WORKDIR Default working dir for other commands
ONBUILD Trigger when container is used as a base for other containers.

Example Dockerfile

Lets build an example Dockerfile that serves a simple python-based echo server.

FROM centos
MAINTAINER # Change your email here


Example Dockerfile

This is a good start, but we should also:

FROM centos
MAINTAINER # Change your email here

EXPOSE 50000
CMD ["python", "/"]

Example Dockerfile

$ docker build -t cs312/echo .
$ docker run -d -p 50000:50000 cs312/echo
$ yum install nc
$ nc localhost 50000

Docker + systemd

What happens when our server reboots? We lose our container! Lets fix this by adding a systemd unit file:

Description=echo service

ExecStartPre=-/bin/docker kill echo
ExecStartPre=-/bin/docker rm echo
ExecStart=/bin/docker run --name echo -p 50000:50000 cs312/echo
ExecStop=/bin/docker stop echo

What's next?
