Load Balancers / HAProxy

Load Balancer Definition


Round Robin DNS
Assign multiple IP addresses to the same domain name. Simple and easy to implement but doesn't allow for automatic fail over.
Software TCP/UDP load balancing
Uses the OSI network layer to provide an entry point for traffic and then uses logic to pass the traffic to backend nodes. HAProxy, Nginx, Apache and Varnish can all act as a load balancer.
Hardware TCP/UDP load balancing
Proprietary hardware that provides the same features (and usually more) than the software load balancing tools. They typically can provide more throughput and offer SSL off loading (which is critical for high traffic sites).

Round Robin DNS (RR DNS)

Split-view DNS

Split-view DNS offers a simple way to split traffic up based on the IP address of the client's source DNS server. In the case of ftp.osuosl.org, we split the DNS based on what IPs are routed via Internet2. When used in combination with Round Robin DNS, it can be a simple and useful load balancing tool.

# Querying on campus gives us one server
$ host ftp.osuosl.org
ftp.osuosl.org has address

# Querying an OpenDNS server, gives us a RR DNS answer
$ host ftp.osuosl.org
Using domain server:

ftp.osuosl.org has address
ftp.osuosl.org has address

Layer 4 vs Layer 7 load balancing

Linux Virtual Server (LVS)
Layer 4 kernel-based load balancing. Typically only works on a connection level but can offer fast balancing. More complicated to setup and manage.
Layer 7 user-space load balancing. Can use both connection and inspect packets. Allows you to modify packets or direct traffic based on packets. Somewhat easier to setup and manage.

Scheduling Algorithms

Taken from the HAProxy documentation

Round Robin
Each server is used in turns, according to their weights. This is the smoothest and fairest algorithm when the server's processing time remains equally distributed. This algorithm is dynamic, which means that server weights may be adjusted on the fly for slow starts for instance.

Scheduling Algorithms

Least Connection
The server with the lowest number of connections receives the connection. Round-robin is performed within groups of servers of the same load to ensure that all servers will be used. Use of this algorithm is recommended where very long sessions are expected, such as LDAP, SQL, TSE, etc... but is not very well suited for protocols using short sessions such as HTTP.
First Connection
The first server with available connection slots receives the connection. The servers are chosen from the lowest numeric identifier to the highest, which defaults to the server's position in the farm. Once a server reaches its maxconn value, the next server is used.

Scheduling Algorithms

Source Connection
The source IP address is hashed and divided by the total weight of the running servers to designate which server will receive the request. This ensures that the same client IP address will always reach the same server as long as no server goes down or up.
This algorithm hashes either the left part of the URI (before the question mark) or the whole URI (if the "whole" parameter is present) and divides the hash value by the total weight of the running servers. The result designates which server will receive the request. This ensures that the same URI will always be directed to the same server as long as no server goes up or down.

Common Load Balancer Features

Asymmetric load Ratio to be manually assigned to a backend server
Priority Activation Add or remove backend servers based on the load or other metrics
SSL Offload & Acceleration Specialized hardware to offload SSL CPU demand on high traffic sites
DDoS attack protection Mitigate DDoS attacks using SYN cookies and verifying a full TCP handshake before sending off to the backend server

Common Load Balancer Features

HTTP compression Gzip compresses the HTTP objects to reduce bandwidth but can increase CPU usage
TCP offload Consolidate multiple HTTP requests from multiple clients into a single TCP socket to the backend servers
Health checking Balance pools the backend application server to see if its functioning correctly
HTTP caching Balancer stores the static content in memory to serve the content faster


Software Load Balancers

High performance software based load balancer that uses TCP and can be used for multiple protocols. Been around since 2000 and used by Github, Reddit, Twitter, etc. Recently added SSL support but does no caching.
HTTP accelerator and static cache server. Focuses specifically on HTTP and can act as a load balancer similar to HAProxy. Used by Wikipedia, Facebook and Twitter to name a few.

Software Load Balancers

Webserver that can also act as a load balancer and a caching system. It generally has a low memory footprint.
Webserver that can act as a load balancer via the mod_proxy module. Provides an easy way to set up but tends to use more memory than the others.

Proprietary Load Balancers

Load Balancing Diagram


Figure taken from DigitalOcean

Load Balancer Pros/Cons

  • Helps you scale more easily
  • Gives you more flexibility on how to route your web traffic
  • Deal with backend outages more gracefully
  • Makes troubleshooting more complicated
  • Potential single point of failure
  • Configuration can be more complicated

What else?


HAProxy Terminology

This defines how HAProxy should forward traffic to backends
A set of servers that receives traffic from HAProxy
A simpler version of frontend and backends

HAProxy Example Configuration

frontend http
  maxconn 2000
  default_backend servers

frontend https
  maxconn 2000
  bind ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/mycert.pem
  default_backend servers

backend servers
  server mybackendserver
# server <name> <ip>:<port> [options]

Check out the docs! http://www.haproxy.org/

HAProxy Example Configuration

frontend http
  maxconn 2000
  acl cs312 hdr(host) cs312.osuosl.org
  acl osl hdr(host) osuosl.org
  use_backend cs312_servers if cs312
  use_backend osl_servers if osl
  default_backend unrecognized_site

backend cs312_servers
  server cs312-1
  server cs312-2

backend osl_servers
  server osl-1
  server osl-2

backend unrecognized_site
  server others

Hands-on HAProxy

  1. Install and setup HAProxy
  2. Setup several backends
  3. Test failover with backends
  4. Configure and test intranet page

Install HAProxy

Create a new VM

$ yum install haproxy
$ systemctl start haproxy

Logging on HAProxy

HAProxy by default sends logs to localhost so we need to change the config to send it directly to systemd.

Add the following to /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

  log /dev/log local0 info

Global Config

  log         /dev/log local0 info
  chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
  pidfile     /var/run/haproxy.pid
  maxconn     4000
  user        haproxy
  group       haproxy
  stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats

Defaults Config

  mode                    http
  log                     global
  option                  httplog
  option                  dontlognull
  option                  http-server-close
  option                  forwardfor except
  option                  redispatch
  retries                 3
  timeout check           2s
  timeout client          1m
  timeout connect         10s
  timeout http-keep-alive 10s
  timeout http-request    10s
  timeout queue           1m
  timeout server          1m
  maxconn                 3000

Deploy some web applications

This script sets up a set of simple Python web servers that serve a simple web page using systemd.

$ wget -O- http://cs312.osuosl.org/_static/hw/haproxy.sh | bash

Add Frontend/Backend

Append the frontend and backend configuration to the haproxy.cfg file.

Try accessing the website using your VM's IP, what do you see?

frontend http
  default_backend servers

backend servers
  server www1 localhost:8003 check
  server www2 localhost:8004 check

Proxies in HAProxy

Sets default parameters for all other proxy sections.
Listening sockets accepting client connections.
Set of servers to which the proxy will connect to forward incoming connections.
Defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. Typically useful for TCP only or for the admin port.

Matrix of proxy keywords

Admin Panel

HAProxy provides a nice web page to display stats. To enable it, add the following to your config and reload haproxy.

It's best to secure this port. It can be used to generate graphs as well.

listen admin
  mode http
  stats uri /

Testing Backends

Let's try taking down the www2 backend and see what happens.

$ systemctl stop cs312-www@8004

Changing the balancing algorithm

backend servers
  balance roundrobin
  server www1 localhost:8003 check
  server www2 localhost:8004 check

Adjusting the weighting

backend servers
  balance roundrobin
  server www1 localhost:8003 weight 50 check
  server www2 localhost:8004 weight 100 check

Creating an ACL

ACLs enable you to direct traffic based on incoming traffic.

frontend http
  acl url_www1 path_beg /www1
  acl url_www2 path_beg /www2
  default_backend servers

HAProxy ACLs

Redirect traffic using an ACL

Let's send traffic for the sub directory /www1 to www1 and /www2 to www2.

frontend http
  acl url_www1 path_beg /www1
  acl url_www2 path_beg /www2
  use_backend www1 if url_www1
  use_backend www2 if url_www2
  default_backend servers

backend servers
  balance roundrobin
  server www1 localhost:8003 weight 50 check
  server www2 localhost:8004 weight 100 check

backend www1
  server www1 localhost:8003 weight 50 check

backend www2
  server www2 localhost:8004 weight 50 check

Rewriting Headers

reqrep replaces a regular expression with a string in an HTTP request line.

reqrep  <search> <string> [{if | unless} <cond>]

Replace /www1 with / at the beginning of any request path:


backend www1
  reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /www1[/]?(.*) \1\ /\2
  server www1 localhost:8003 weight 50 check

backend www2
  reqrep ^([^\ :]*)\ /www2[/]?(.*) \1\ /\2
  server www2 localhost:8004 weight 50 check

Health Checks

Let's add a health check.

backend servers
  balance roundrobin
  option httpchk GET /index.html
  server www1 localhost:8003 weight 50 check
  server www2 localhost:8004 weight 100 check

Also read up on http-check expect.